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勺型吸管 珍珠奶茶吸管 一次性塑料吸管 19CM

2021/6/13 20:29:22发布144次查看
     佛山市南海盐步万佳塑料制品厂是各类塑料制品、一次性刀叉、一次性饭羹、吸管,手机壳、手电筒、手机套等产品专业生产加工的个体经营,公司总部设在广东省佛山市大沥镇盐步河东东城工业区二路,佛山市南海盐步万佳塑料制品厂拥有完整、科学的质量管理体系。佛山市南海盐步万佳塑料制品厂的诚信、实力和产品质量获得业界的认可。欢迎各界朋友莅临佛山市南海盐步万佳塑料制品厂参观、指导和业务洽谈。  购买说明:本工厂用相机实物拍摄,不同显示屏,色彩会有所不同,每一台相机拍出来的东西和实物都会有色差,不接受颜色不喜欢,有色差,没有想象中漂亮等理由退换。为了避免色差,欢迎采购商和批发商亲临工厂来看样品,地方离本工厂比较远的客户,可以要求工厂快递样品,工厂免费提供样品(快递费由收方承担)。下单购买时必须交纳总价格的百分之三十以上的定金,也可以一次付完结清,支持现金付款以及银行转账。 运送方式:(除数量要求比较大的情况下)下单之后一般三天内发货,节假日照常发货,为保证发货及时,请在购买时提前给我们电话或旺旺确认! 运送时间:发货后一般3-7天到达目的城市,时间由物流公司控制,请各位买家耐心待候! 如何提货:物流运送,一般是到达离客户最近的物流仓库,货到了,物流公司会通知买家提货。 工厂地址:广东省佛山市大沥镇盐步河东城工业区。联系电话:0757-85769392 material: all kinds of product materials for the ps, pp and other materials. 
    packaging: each product in a package of 100 (packaging bag) a box of size ten bags, 20 bags, 50 bags.buy description: our baby shot with the camera in kind, different display colors may be different, each camera shot out of something and in-kind arecolor will not accept the color does not like a color, there is no reason to imagine a beautiful and so returned. in order to avoid chromatic aberration, welcome to wholesale buyers and see samples in person at the factory business, the local factory distant from the customer, can ask the factory express samples, free samples of plants (courier fees borne by the debit). orders must pay the total purchase price of more than 30 percent down payment, you can also pay for the end of the first clear support of the cash to pay section, and bank transfer.shipping: (in addition to the larger number of cases required) orders shipped within three days after the general, usual holiday delivery, to ensure timely delivery, please call us before purchase to confirm or want want!shipping time: usually 3-7 days after delivery to destination city, time controlled by the logistics company, all buyers wait patiently waiting!how to pick up: logistics transportation, usually from the customer to reach the nearest warehouse, goods arrived, the logistics company will inform buyers take delivery.
factory address: foshan city, guangdong province, yanbu, dali town, river east industrial zone.tel :0757-85769392




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